Shisai (bandicoon)

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Li Li and Shisai.
This article contains lore taken from Warcraft novels, novellas, or short stories.

Shisai was the companion and pet bandicoon of Li Li Stormstout. He was named after her brother, Shisai Stormstout.


After Li Li befriending Shisai in the Krasarang Wilds, he joined her on her adventures into the Kun-Lai Summit. While in Kun-Lai Shisai became affected by the Sha of Hatred, so Shin Whispercloud directed the balloon to his friend, Courageous Yon, who was able to tame Shisai. Freed from the sha's influence, Shisai followed his companions into the Vale of Eternal Blossoms where they met Buwei and his son Little Fu, who had lost their home to the yaungol attacks and were now heading to Mistfall Village. After noticing how happy Shisai made Fu, Li Li made the decision to leave Shisai in their care.[1]
