Shan'ze Spiritclaw

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MobShan'ze Spiritclaw
Image of Shan'ze Spiritclaw
Gender Male
Race Mogu (Humanoid)
Level 10-35
Class Spiritclaw
Resource Energy
Reaction Alliance Horde
Affiliation(s) Shan'ze
Location Terrace of Ten Thunders, Jade Forest
Status Killable

Shan'ze Spiritclaws are mogu found at the Terrace of Ten Thunders in the Jade Forest. During N [10-35] To Bridge Earth and Sky, they attack Pei-Zhi but are killed once his spell with The Tan-Chao is completed, the mogu are killed in an explosion.


  • Spell shadow shadesofdarkness.png Shan'ze Spirit Trap — Creates a Spirit Trap at an enemy's location, inflicting Shadow damage.
  • Inv throwingaxepvp330 08.png Spirit Cleave — Cleaves an enemies spirit, inflicting Shadow damage.

Objective of


  • A lively spirit for the taking...
  • Death is only the beginning of your punishment!
  • Hold still, it will be over soon...
  • Nice spirit - I think I'll take it.
  • You will join the others in eternal servitude!
  • I have a jar waiting just for you!
  • Fool! Your fate is sealed!
  • I will cleave the soul from between your bones!

Patch changes

External links