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Shadowmoon Dominator

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For the Spires of Arak mob, see Shadowmoon Enslaver (Spires of Arak).
MobShadowmoon Dominator
No image available
Gender Male
Race Orc (Humanoid)
Level 10-40 Elite
Reaction Alliance Horde
Affiliation(s) Shadowmoon clan
Occupation Slaver
Location Shadowmoon Burial Grounds
Status Killable

Shadowmoon Dominators are orcs located in Shadowmoon Burial Grounds.


  • Inv misc questionmark.png Domination — Damage and health increased by 100%.
  • Inv misc questionmark.png Domination — The caster dominates the target, increases damage done and health by 100% and forces them to attack their allies.
  • Ability warlock whiplash.png Rending Voidlash — A whip of dark energy tears at an enemies flesh, inflicting 117338 Shadow damage every 1 sec. for 5 sec.

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