Shadow Council's Garb

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  • Shadow Council's Garb
  • 455 Armor
    +1561 Stamina
    +1041 Intellect
  • +375 Critical Strike
    +405 Haste
    +330 Mastery
    +256 Multistrike
  • Shadow Council's Garb (5 pieces)
  •  [Shadow Council's Gloves]
     [Shadow Council's Hood]
     [Shadow Council's Leggings]
     [Shadow Council's Robes]
     [Shadow Council's Mantle]
  • (2) Set (Affliction): While channeling Drain Soul on a target afflicted by your Corruption, Unstable Affliction, and Agony, the chance for Nightfall to activate is increased by 5%.
    (2) Set (Demonology): Hand of Gul'dan has a 50% chance empower your inner demon, temporarily bringing your Metamorphosis form out even while you are not transformed.
    (2) Set (Destruction): When Immolate deals damage it has a 4% chance to generate a full Burning Ember.
    (4) Set (Affliction): When Nightfall activates, the cooldown of Dark Soul is reduced by 10 sec.
    (4) Set (Demonology): Hand of Gul'dan now has 1 additional maximum charge, and Corruption has a 2% chance to generate 1 charge of Hand of Gul'dan when dealing damage.
    (4) Set (Destruction): When a Burning Ember is filled up, you have a chance to cause your next Chaos Bolt to multistrike 3 additional times.
  • Combined stats.

Shadow Council's Garb is the tier 17 warlock set.


The Shadow Council's Garb items are created using tokens dropped from raid bosses in Blackrock Foundry.

Slot Token Source
Head  [Helm of the Iron Conqueror] Kromog
Hands  [Gauntlets of the Iron Conqueror] The Iron Maidens
Legs  [Leggings of the Iron Conqueror] The Blast Furnace
Shoulders  [Shoulders of the Iron Conqueror] Operator Thogar
Chest  [Chest of the Iron Conqueror] Flamebender Ka'graz


Shadow Council's Garb
Shadow Council's Garb
Shadow Council's Garb

Patch changes

Other versions

  • Heroic

    • Shadow Council's Garb
    • 507 Armor
      +1797 Stamina
      +1198 Intellect
    • +432 Critical Strike
      +466 Haste
      +380 Mastery
      +294 Multistrike
    • Shadow Council's Garb (5 pieces)
    •  [Shadow Council's Gloves]
       [Shadow Council's Hood]
       [Shadow Council's Leggings]
       [Shadow Council's Robes]
       [Shadow Council's Mantle]
    • (2) Set (Affliction): While channeling Drain Soul on a target afflicted by your Corruption, Unstable Affliction, and Agony, the chance for Nightfall to activate is increased by 5%.
      (2) Set (Demonology): Hand of Gul'dan has a 50% chance empower your inner demon, temporarily bringing your Metamorphosis form out even while you are not transformed.
      (2) Set (Destruction): When Immolate deals damage it has a 4% chance to generate a full Burning Ember.
      (4) Set (Affliction): When Nightfall activates, the cooldown of Dark Soul is reduced by 10 sec.
      (4) Set (Demonology): Hand of Gul'dan now has 1 additional maximum charge, and Corruption has a 2% chance to generate 1 charge of Hand of Gul'dan when dealing damage.
      (4) Set (Destruction): When a Burning Ember is filled up, you have a chance to cause your next Chaos Bolt to multistrike 3 additional times.
    • Combined stats.
  • Mythic

    • Shadow Council's Garb
    • 565 Armor
      +2067 Stamina
      +1378 Intellect
    • +495 Critical Strike
      +536 Haste
      +438 Mastery
      +338 Multistrike
    • Shadow Council's Garb (5 pieces)
    •  [Shadow Council's Gloves]
       [Shadow Council's Hood]
       [Shadow Council's Leggings]
       [Shadow Council's Robes]
       [Shadow Council's Mantle]
    • (2) Set (Affliction): While channeling Drain Soul on a target afflicted by your Corruption, Unstable Affliction, and Agony, the chance for Nightfall to activate is increased by 5%.
      (2) Set (Demonology): Hand of Gul'dan has a 50% chance empower your inner demon, temporarily bringing your Metamorphosis form out even while you are not transformed.
      (2) Set (Destruction): When Immolate deals damage it has a 4% chance to generate a full Burning Ember.
      (4) Set (Affliction): When Nightfall activates, the cooldown of Dark Soul is reduced by 10 sec.
      (4) Set (Demonology): Hand of Gul'dan now has 1 additional maximum charge, and Corruption has a 2% chance to generate 1 charge of Hand of Gul'dan when dealing damage.
      (4) Set (Destruction): When a Burning Ember is filled up, you have a chance to cause your next Chaos Bolt to multistrike 3 additional times.
    • Combined stats.

External links