Server:Nathrezim US/Crafting

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This article is an information page for the Nathrezim realm (server)

The contents herein are entirely player made and in no way represent official World of Warcraft history or occurrences which are accurate for all realms. The information and events listed are of an independent nature and applied for roleplaying, fictional, speculative, or opinions from a limited playerbase only.

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Nathrezim Crafting List


Enchant Alliance Enchanters Horde Enchanters
Enchant Weapon - Deathfrost Emotive, Cowbellsolo
Enchant Weapon - Executioner Icet, Mysticy, Kater, Serabi Marothius, Reiroarkam, Kalelkinalu
Enchant 2H Weapon - Major Agility Harpertau, Frinn, Serabi, Kerand, Feldeath Amphiaraus, Democritus, Kagenoshi, Statler, Liegeofchaos, Jemmansi, Emotive, Marothius
Enchant 2H Weapon - Savagery Harpertau, Kickerr, Celenvil, Frinn, Lucentia, Reinara, Serabi, Kerand, Starkin Benigma, Enixx, Kagenoshi, Oino, Corleown, Mickeyknox, Anubus, Marothius, Emotive
Enchant Weapon - Battlemaster Erome, Gnomeansland, Janzya, Grevon Itarine
Enchant Weapon - Mongoose Londa, Kwyjibo, Tilestiv, Mattc, Svena, Deathnotes, Freeman, Couer, Starkin, Kater Enixx, Kagenoshi,Frankinfurry, Feldax, Orenishii, Maothius
Enchant Weapon - Potency Harpertau, Gnomeansland, Frinn, Serabi Benigma, Hellthy, Corleown, Marothius, Scowarr, Mickeyknox
Enchant Weapon - Soulfrost Davowatusi, Moonglade, Echtelion, Svena, Serabi, Feldeath Corleown, Jemmansi, Lucrola
Enchant Weapon - Spellsurge Feldeath, Lucentia Hellthy, Kagenoshi, Oino, Riathamus, Reiroarkam
Enchant Weapon - Sunfire Gnastie, Lucentia, Chimchim, Deathnotes, Kerand, Serabi, Feldeath Glorbelle, Titanmike
Enchant Boots - Boar's Speed Dakilla, Gnomeansland, Loreyna
Enchant Boots - Dexterity Frinn, Lucentia, Serabi, Agrithnaar, Deathnotes Amphiaraus, Bandit, Enixx, Kagenoshi, Scowarr, Skrimpy, Emotive
Enchant Boots - Surefooted Uzberg Bjorken, Oino, Redbeard, Titanmike
Enchant Boots - Vitality Dakilla, Cleric, Gnomeansland Democritus, Scowarr, Jemmansi, Marothius
Enchant Bracer - Fortitude Kickerr, Celenvil, Frinn, Reinara, Tilestiv, Agrithnaar, Kater Amphiaraus, Kagenoshi, Corleown, Liegeofchaos, Mickeyknox, Skrimpy, Emotive, Marothius
Enchant Bracer - Restore Mana Prime Feldeath, Gnomeansland, Grevon, Lucentia Amphiaraus, Democritus, Riathamus, Corleown, Nuggiez
Enchant Bracer - Spellpower Feldeath, Gnomeansland, Lucentia, Svena, Freeman, Grevon, Sycred, Kater Amphiaraus, Democritus, Marothius, Mickeyknox
Enchant Chest - Major Resilience Celenvil, Gnomeansland, Grevon, Quandary, Freeman Democritus, Marothius, Mickeyknox
 [Enchant Cloak - Greater Arcane Resistance] Celenvil, Gnomeansland, Tilestiv, Serabi, Lucentia, Grevon, Shaldana Amphiaraus, Benigma, Bjorken, Glorbelle, Itarine, Kagenoshi, Mickeyknox, Marothius
 [Enchant Cloak - Greater Shadow Resistance] Gnomeansland, Teritia, Grevon, Serabi, Feldeath Amphiaraus, Benigma, Itarine, Kagenoshi, Nuggiez, Liegeofchaos, Marothius
 [Enchant Cloak - Major Resistance] Gnomeansland, Lucentia, Grevon Mickeyknox
Enchant Shield - Parry Chimchim, Celenvil, Gnomeansland, Grevon, Reinara Benigma, Corleown, Marothius


Item Alliance Tailors Horde Tailors
 [Battlecast Hood] Erome, Ezmerelda, Grevon, Leiah, Miyax, Priestitude, Sovernade, Holyroxx, Vaeevictiss, Teritia, Astyanax, Ellesedil Amphiaraus, Benigma, Glorbelle, Hellthy, Ihealsgood, Melis, Mickeyknox, Juaneriffic, Ningal, Jemmansi
 [Battlecast Pants] Ayddar, Kwyjibo, Loreyna, Miyax, Verdracy, Wikki, Magenate Benkeix, Jemmansi, Hellthy
 [Belt of Blasting] Yachiru
 [Belt of the Long Road] Yachiru
 [Bracers of Havok] Parila, Lifeforce, Miyax, Ellesedil, Priestitude, Rakimacy, Sovernade, Tristran, Karmasuture Scowarr, Marothius
 [Bracers of Nimble Thought] Yachiru
 [Cloak of Eternity] Yachiru
 [Girdle of Ruination] Coldbringer, Lifeforce, Holyroxx, Verdracy Aonesauce, Mor, Juaneriffic
 [Golden Spellthread] Ayddar, Beiar, Ellesedil, Feldeath, Florzinha, Gnomeansland, Grevon, Meeks, Priestitude, Tristran, Vaeevictiss, Wikki Democritus, Dylek, Armistice
 [Manaweave Cloak] Holyroxx, Vaeevictiss
 [Resolute Cape] Harpertau, Loreyna, Yalf Cinderhella, Kaara
 [Runic Spellthread] Karmasuture, Astyanax, Moshi, Naszun, Grevon, Yachiru Amphiaraus, Ihealsgood, Scowarr, Marothius, Benkeix, Juaneriffic
 [Spellstrike Hood] Feldeath, Kwyjibo, Leiah, Parila, Priestitude, Wikki Benigma, Melis, Juaneriffic, Jemmansi, Dylek
 [Spellstrike Pants] Ayddar, Ellesedil, Vaeevictiss, Kwyjibo, Lifeforce, Mattc, Melisinde, Miyax, Priestitude,Bigcase Rakimacy, Sunchips, Wikki, Moshi, Teritia, Agrithnaar Benigma, Glorbelle, Jemmansi, Hellthy, Lias, Melis,
 [Swiftheal Wraps] Yachiru
 [Unyielding Bracers] Loreyna, Sunchips Amphiaraus
 [Unyielding Girdle] Priestitude, Shyam, Loreyna Amphiaraus, Glorbelle,Msscythed
 [Vengeance Wrap] Giantbreasts, Astyanax, Yalf, Yachiru Ihealsgood, Marothius
 [Whitemend Hood] Ayddar, Leiah, Lifeforce, Svena, Thestral Jeseth, Mor, Jemmansi
 [Whitemend Pants] Ayddar, Harpertau, Leiah, Priestitude, Sunchips Jemmansi, Kagenoshi


Item Alliance Blacksmiths Horde Blacksmiths
 [Belt of the Guardian] Serabi
 [Black Felsteel Bracers] Crash, Bunkface Krakoosh
 [Blessed Bracers] Shriver, Itami, Ozonat IIllIllII
 [Dirge] Raaven, Crash, Twidd Catatonic, Krakoosh, Boomshaka
 [Fel Edged Battleaxe] Twidd Krakoosh, Wavou
 [Fel Hardened Maul] Itami, Nezbit Antagonism
 [Felsteel Longblade] Amoren, Josebbasebet, Ozonat, igmodorf, Serabi Tanorax
 [Felsteel Reaper] Owuttatank, Warlaer Antagonism, Eviscerator, Krakoosh
 [Gauntlets of the Iron Tower] Itami, Magill
 [Hammer of Righteous Might] Mootalia
 [Hand of Eternity] Itami, Qwinlynn, Zanakar, Ozonat Smallfry, Catatonic
 [Khorium Belt] Thender Castix
 [Khorium Boots] Bristina, Jaerik, Thender Shabs
 [Khorium Champion] Hedgehog, Krakoosh, Wavou
 [Khorium Pants] Thender Shaag
 [Oathkeeper's Helm] Aireann, Itami, Orihimechan Antagonism
 [Red Belt of Battle] Serabi
 [Runic Hammer] Twidd Antagonism, Martrak, Zanz
 [Steel Weapon Chain] Shabs, Shaag
 [Steelgrip Gauntlets] Shriver, Errhellyeah, Itami, Jaerik
 [Storm Helm] Aireann, Ilyamurometz, Zanakar Zanz


Item Alliance Leatherworkers Horde Leatherworkers
 [Belt of Deep Shadow]
 [Belt of Natural Power] Straves
 [Belt of the Black Eagle] Straves
 [Bindings of Lightning Reflexes] Straves
 [Bracers of Renewed Life] Straves
 [Cloak of Darkness] Straves
 [Cobrascale Gloves] Moondah Villiano , Loucifer
 [Cobrascale Hood] Ignitor, Feyith Loucifer, Gingersnaps
 [Gloves of the Living Touch] Moondah , Ignitor Rimundi, Gingersnaps
 [Living Dragonscale Helm] Moondah, Cuttey, Maldaras Loucifer, Arokor
 [Living Earth Bindings] Straves
 [Monsoon Belt]
 [Nethercleft Leg Armor] Chandwarf, Ishikawa, Moondah, Keeta, Straves Achara, Gingersnaps, Tempestk
 [Nethercobra Leg Armor] Chandwarf, Keeta, Straves Gingersnaps, Arokor, Tempestk
 [Netherdrake Gloves] Chandwarf, Moondah, Straves Loucifer
 [Netherdrake Helm] Spatulaboy, Starslayer
 [Shadowprowler's Chestguard] Chandwarf, Straves Tempestk
 [Swiftstrike Bracers] Straves
 [Thick Netherscale Breastplate] Huntington Achara, Mokktal, Prevoked , Rimundi
 [Windscale Hood] Straves, Terrande Prevoked
 [Windstrike Gloves] Moondah, Maldaras


Item Alliance Jewelcrafter Horde Jewelcrafter
 [Circlet of Arcane Might] Roffels, Ktz, Montekarlo Perdi, Aser
 [Coronet of Verdant Flame] Roffels, Amenra, Ceiba, Molay, Daylos, Acun, Montekarlo Akeso, Aser, Perdi, Smedwicks, Statler


Item Alliance Alchemist Horde Alchemist
 [Super Rejuvenation Potion] Karde, Abec, Avizoa Ningal, Audacious, Prost, Sarazi, Ashie
 [Elixir of Major Mageblood] Abec, Cyrene, Merlyn, Phyzix, Roguy, Karde Jezebel, Rolan, Ningal, Prost, Irrylath
 [Flask of Blinding Light] Fulcan, Burlock, Angelgirl, Galegon, Phyzix, Avizoa Audacious, Molbork, Shagus, Maax, Ningal, Valortuka, Sarazi
 [Flask of Fortification] Fulcan, Angelgirl, Aidel, Mishababy, Viciouz, Maraby, Avizoa Jezebel, Sarazi, Galegon, Irrylath, Ashie
 [Flask of Mighty Restoration] Aerith, Crazylock, Zavien, Aubbrey Edrick, Methose, Rolan, Ningal, Audacious, Sarazi, Irrylath, Hikarin, Ashie
 [Flask of Relentless Assault] Aerith, Khalas, Saalta, Galegon, Karde, Avizoa, Posure, Aubbrey, Eireann Langsoir, Methose, Maax, Audacious, Valortuka, Sarazi, Irrylath, Ashie
 [Flask of Pure Death] Aerith, Burlock, Karde, Avizoa Audacious, Kwaren, Yianks, Ningal, Sarazi, Hikarin, Ashie
Transmutation Mastery Crazylock, Maraby, Treehuggin, Viciouz ( [Skyfire Diamond],  [Earthstorm Diamond], [Primal Might]) Roguy, Maemae


Item Alliance Engineers Horde Engineers
 [Force Reactive Disk] Timir
 [Biznicks 247x128 Accurascope] Timir, Xvi, Kirsil
 [Khorium Scope] Belegost, Ilvana, Careca,Feanoram Timir, Rerolled, Xvi, Tonorax, Bethsheba, Danaru, Duldreg
 [Stabilized Eternium Scope] Belegost, Careca, Ragedmunki, Bizmeister Timir, Rerolled, Xvi, Danaru, Duldreg
 [Core Marksman Rifle] Timir
 [Felsteel Boomstick] Bizmeister, Feanora Timir, Bethsheba
 [Gyro-Balanced Khorium Destroyer] Belegost, Bizmeister, Jinmen, Feanora Timir, Loucifer, Krakoosh, Bethsheba, DirtMcGirt, Danaru, Duldreg