Server:Frostmane Europe/Enchanting

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This article is an information page for the Frostmane realm (server)

The contents herein are entirely player made and in no way represent official World of Warcraft history or occurrences which are accurate for all realms. The information and events listed are of an independent nature and applied for roleplaying, fictional, speculative, or opinions from a limited playerbase only.

Enchanting on Frostmane EU

Alliance Alliance
Horde Horde
[Enchant 2H Weapon - Major Agility] Cobrahn, Oasis,Annelie Sebjee, Teazer, Valpnos, Grale
[Enchant 2H Weapon - Savagery] Lorenzojr, Pumbz, Annelie Fumble, Phellan, Valpnos, Ellielf
[Enchant Boots - Boar's Speed] Lorenzojr, Gnomerogue, Talliwalli Argorash, Pirta
[Enchant Boots - Cat's Swiftness] Lorenzojr Argorash, Daylis
[Enchant Boots - Dexterity] Pumbz Fumble, Teazer, Valpnos
[Enchant Boots - Fortitude] Lorenzojr, Pumbz, Gnomerogue, Annelie Nogilady
[Enchant Boots - Surefooted] Hunlop, Lorenzojr Argorash, Ellielf, Vadlasletta
[Enchant Boots - Vitality] Vance, Annelie
[Enchant Bracer - Fortitude] Gigant Boraicho, Phellan, Strawberry, Valpnos, Nogilady
[Enchant Bracer - Restore Mana Prime] Lorenzojr, Mangi, Gnomerogue Valpnos
[Enchant Bracer - Spellpower] Cobrahn, Evrian, Lorenzojr, Gnomerogue, Svperstar, Aubbie, Vance, Annelie Boraicho, Phellan, Strawberry, Ellielf
[Enchant Bracer - Superior Healing] Cobrahn, Evrian, Gigant, Kobiwan, Lorenzojr, Gnomerogue, Svperstar, Aubbie, Vance, Annelie Argorash, Boraicho, Phellan, Sebjee, Strawberry, Valpnos
[Enchant Chest - Defense] Vance, Annelie
[Enchant Chest - Exceptional Stats] Cobrahn, Evrian, Gigant, Kobiwan, Lorenzojr, Gnomerogue, Svperstar, Aubbie, Vance, Annelie Argorash, Boraicho, Phellan, Sebjee, Strawberry, Valpnos, Ellielf
[Enchant Chest - Major Resilience] Cobrahn, Lorenzojr, Aubbie Phellan, Sebjee, Strawberry
[Enchant Cloak - Dodge] Cobrahn, Vance, Annelie Argorash,
[Enchant Cloak - Greater Arcane Resistance] Cobrahn, Gigant, Kobiwan, Svperstar, Lorenzojr, Annelie Argorash, Phellan
[Enchant Cloak - Greater Fire Resistance] Cobrahn, Lorenzojr, Vance, Annelie Argorash, Phellan, Strawberry
[Enchant Cloak - Greater Nature Resistance] Lorenzojr, Vance, Annelie Argorash, Phellan, Strawberry
[Enchant Cloak - Greater Shadow Resistance] Cobrahn, Gnomerogue, Svperstar, Lorenzojr, Aubbie, Annelie Phellan, Sebjee
[Enchant Cloak - Major Resistance] Cobrahn, Lorenzojr, Gnomerogue Phellan, Strawberry
[Enchant Cloak - PvP Power] Cobrahn, Gigant, Kobiwan, Lorenzojr, Gnomerogue, Svperstar, Vance, Annelie Argorash, Boraicho, Phellan, Sebjee, Strawberry, Valpnos
[Enchant Cloak - Stealth] Cobrahn, Svperstar, Lorenzojr, Vance, Annelie Argorash
[Enchant Cloak - Subtlety] Cobrahn, Svperstar, Lorenzojr, Vance, Annelie Pirta
[Enchant Cloak - Steelweave] Svperstar, Vance, Annelie Pirta
[Enchant Gloves - Fire Power] Valpnos
[Enchant Gloves - Frost Power]
[Enchant Gloves - Healing Power]
[Enchant Gloves - Major Healing] Cobrahn, Evrian, Gigant, Kobiwan, Lorenzojr, Quiva, Svperstar, Gnomerogue, Svperstar, Aubbie, Vance, Annelie Argorash, Boraicho, Litaiken, Phellan, Sebjee, Strawberry, Valpnos
[Enchant Gloves - Major Spellpower] Cobrahn, Evrian, Kobiwan, Lorenzojr, Quiva, Svperstar, Gnomerogue, Svperstar, Aubbie, Vance, Annelie Argorash, Boraicho, Phellan, Sebjee, Strawberry, Valpnos
[Enchant Gloves - Shadow Power] Valpnos
[Enchant Gloves - Spell Strike] Cobrahn, Gigant, Kobiwan, Lorenzojr, Svperstar, Gnomerogue, Vance, Annelie Argorash, Boraicho, Phellan, Sebjee, Strawberry, Valpnos
[Enchant Gloves - Superior Agility] Annelie Argorash,
[Enchant Gloves - Threat] Cobrahn, Svperstar, Lorenzojr, Aubbie, Vance, Annelie Argorash,
[Enchant Shield - Intellect] Cobrahn, Evrian, Gigant, Kobiwan, Lorenzojr, Gnomerogue, Svperstar, Vance, Annelie Argorash, Boraicho, Phellan, Sebjee, Strawberry, Valpnos
[Enchant Shield - Major Stamina] Cobrahn, Evrian, Gigant, Kobiwan, Lorenzojr, Svperstar, Gnomerogue, Svperstar, Vance, Annelie Argorash, Boraicho, Phellan, Sebjee, Strawberry, Valpnos
[Enchant Shield - Resistance] Evrian, Kobiwan, Lorenzojr, Gnomerogue, Vance Boraicho, Phellan, Strawberry
[Enchant Shield - Shield Block] Cobrahn, Evrian, Lorenzojr, Gnomerogue, Svperstar, Vance, Annelie Argorash, Boraicho, Phellan, Sebjee, Strawberry
[Enchant Weapon - Agility] Lorenzojr Argorash
[Enchant Weapon - Lifestealing] Cobrahn, Lorenzojr, Annelie Wiatchi
[Enchant Weapon - Battlemaster] Cobrahn, Kobiwan, Lorenzojr, Annelie
[Enchant Weapon - Crusader] Vance, Annelie
[Enchant Weapon - Greater Agility] Cobrahn, Gnomerogue, Lorenzojr, Vance Argorash
[Enchant Weapon - Major Healing] Cobrahn, Evrian, Gigant, Kobiwan, Lorenzojr, Quiva, Svperstar, Gnomerogue, Aubbie, Vance, Annelie Argorash, Boraicho, Litaiken, Phellan, Sebjee, Strawberry, Valpnos
[Enchant Weapon - Major Intellect] Cobrahn, Kobiwan, Lorenzojr, Gnomerogue, Svperstar, Annelie Phellan, Strawberry
[Enchant Weapon - Major Spellpower] Cobrahn, Evrian, Kobiwan, Lorenzojr, Pumbz, Quiva, Svperstar, Aubbie, Vance, Annelie Boraicho, Litaiken, Phellan, Sebjee, Strawberry, Valpnos
[Enchant Weapon - Major Striking] Cobrahn, Lorenzojr, Gnomerogue, Svperstar, Aubbie, Vance, Annelie Argorash, Valpnos
[Enchant Weapon - Mongoose] Cobrahn, Hunlop, Tio Boraicho, Teazer, Ellielf
[Enchant Weapon - Potency] Cobrahn, Lorenzojr Fumble, Litaiken, Phellan, Sebjee
[Enchant Weapon - Soulfrost] Evrian, Hunlop, Voxel Teazer
[Enchant Weapon - Spellsurge] Evrian, Kobiwan, Mangi, Aubbie Argorash
[Enchant Weapon - Sunfire] Pirta
[Enchant Weapon - Executioner] Aubbie, Svperstar