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  • Seedbloom
  • Binds when picked up
  • "The bloom of a plant infused with lifebloom essence. These rare sprouts have powerful aesthetic and revitalizing properties. Used to procure items from Talisa Whisperbloom in the Central Encampment."

Seedbloom is used as a deterministic means of acquiring cosmetic armor, pets, and mounts that do not drop from Superblooms and Emerald Bounties in the Emerald Dream.

Players can acquire one from the N [70W] Blooming Dreamseeds weekly.

It is possible to purchase cosmetic items of any armor type on any character. They can only be unlocked by a character of a class matching the item's armor type. However, the items are account bound, so they can be sent to alts to unlock the appearances.

Currency for

Sylvia / Talisa Whisperbloom <Dreamseed Botanist>
Renown Item Type
1  [Ceremonial Jacaranda Cape] Cosmetic back
 [Ceremonial Jacaranda Gown] Cosmetic cloth chest
 [Ceremonial Jacaranda Sandals] Cosmetic cloth feet
 [Ceremonial Jacaranda Gloves] Cosmetic cloth hands
 [Ceremonial Jacaranda Crown] Cosmetic cloth helm
 [Ceremonial Jacaranda Pantaloons] Cosmetic cloth legs
 [Ceremonial Jacaranda Branches] Cosmetic cloth shoulder
 [Ceremonial Jacaranda Belt] Cosmetic cloth waist
 [Ceremonial Jacaranda Wraps] Cosmetic cloth wrist
 [Barkbloom Tunic] Cosmetic leather chest
 [Barkbloom Cloak] Cosmetic back
 [Barkbloom Talons] Cosmetic leather feet
 [Barkbloom Claws] Cosmetic leather hands
 [Barkbloom Mask] Cosmetic leather head
 [Barkbloom Breeches] Cosmetic leather legs
 [Barkbloom Shoulderpads] Cosmetic leather shoulder
 [Barkbloom Sash] Cosmetic leather waist
 [Barkbloom Wristguards] Cosmetic leather wrist
 [Vest of the Dreamfused Skull] Cosmetic mail chest
 [Pelt of the Dreamfused Skull] Cosmetic back
 [Clogs of the Dreamfused Skull] Cosmetic mail feet
 [Grips of the Dreamfused Skull] Cosmetic mail hands
 [Visage of the Dreamfused Skull] Cosmetic mail head
 [Leggings of the Dreamfused Skull] Cosmetic mail legs
 [Pauldrons of the Dreamfused Skull] Cosmetic mail shoulder
 [Buckle of the Dreamfused Skull] Cosmetic mail waist
 [Bracers of the Dreamfused Skull] Cosmetic mail wrist
 [Overgrown Freyan Plate] Cosmetic plate chest
 [Overgrown Freyan Drape] Cosmetic back
 [Overgrown Freyan Boots] Cosmetic plate feet
 [Overgrown Freyan Handguards] Cosmetic plate hands
 [Overgrown Freyan Helm] Cosmetic plate head
 [Overgrown Freyan Legguards] Cosmetic plate legs
 [Overgrown Freyan Shoulderguards] Cosmetic plate shoulder
 [Overgrown Freyan Girdle] Cosmetic plate waist
 [Overgrown Freyan Vambraces] Cosmetic plate wrist
 [Overgrown Freyan Hatchet] Cosmetic one-hand axe
 [Overgrown Freyan Smasher] Cosmetic one-hand mace
 [Essence of the Dreamfused Skull] Cosmetic one-hand mace
 [Barkbloom Saber] Cosmetic one-hand sword
 [Ceremonial Jacaranda Slab] Cosmetic two-hand sword
 [Bow of the Dreamfused Skull] Cosmetic bow
 [Spike of the Dreamfused Skull] Cosmetic dagger
 [Overgrown Freyan Pike] Cosmetic polearm
 [Ceremonial Jacaranda Crook] Cosmetic staff
 [Ceremonial Jacaranda Bloom] Cosmetic wand
 [Barkbloom Warglaive] Cosmetic warglaives
11  [Elmer] Companion pet
 [Snoots] Companion pet
 [Snoozles] Companion pet
 [Napps] Companion pet
 [Seedle] Companion pet
18  [Reins of the Blossoming Dreamstag] Mount
 [Reins of the Morning Flourish Dreamsaber] Mount
 [Reins of the Rekindled Dreamstag] Mount
 [Reins of the Snowfluff Dreamtalon] Mount
 [Reins of the Springtide Dreamtalon] Mount
 [Reins of the Evening Sun Dreamsaber] Mount

Patch changes

External links