Scraps of Iron (Alliance)

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AllianceScraps of Iron
Start Kristen Stoneforge
End Kristen Stoneforge
Level 10-40
Category Frostfire Ridge
Rewards  [Stormwind Tabard]
15g 40s
For the Horde version of this quest, see H [10-40] Scraps of Iron.


Collect 5 Iron Horde Scraps from Iron Horde on Draenor.


At the Dwarven Bunker, we can take scraps of Iron Horde armor that you collect and turn them into new gear. It's not the strongest stuff in the world, but it looks good.

Get some Iron Horde scraps and come back my way. I'll set you up with a nice tabard for your troubles.


You will receive: 15g 40s

Inv misc tabardpvp 03.png [Stormwind Tabard]


Got those scraps?


Those scraps will do.

Patch changes

External links