Scouting the Shore (Alliance)

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AllianceScouting the Shore
Start Lieutenant Emry [76.8, 69.8]
End Lieutenant Emry [76.8, 69.8]
Level 30-35
Category Twilight Highlands
Reputation +75 Stormwind
Rewards 6g 57s 50c
Previous A [30-35] Our Boys on the Shore
Next A [30-35] Bird Down! Bird Down!
For the Horde version of this quest, see H [30-35] Scouting the Shore.


Scout the Beach Head Control Point on the Twilight Shore. You don't need to capture it, but doing so will give your side a combat advantage and flag you for PvP.

  • Beach Head Control Point Scouted


It's them or us, <class>. Only one of us can command this beach.

North of here you'll see a small hill with a commanding view of the shoreline. Whoever controls that hill will have the upper hand up and down the shore!

I need to know what the current situation is. Scout the beach head control point, marked by that enormous flag, and return to me.

You don't have to try to capture it, unless you're spoling for a fight...


You will receive: 6g 57s 50c (at max level)


What's the word out there, <name>?


That's the lay of the land, soldier. If you're having trouble fighting here on the coast, you might consider pitching in and helping us take and hold that hill.


Pick up A [30-35] Landgrab and A [30-35] Shredderectomy before heading out.

It only takes getting inside the defensive perimeter to scout it, but... Up for some PvP? The act of interacting with the flag will flag players PvP. Whoever controls the beeachhead is buffed with increased attack and spell power along the shore.


  1. A [30-35] Welcome to Highbank!
  2. A [30-35] Burnin' at Both Ends
  3. A [30-35] Aiming High
  4. A [30-35] Kurdran's Waitin'
  5. A [30-35] Our Boys on the Shore
  6. A [30-35] Landgrab & A [30-35] Scouting the Shore
  7. A [30-35] Bird Down! Bird Down!
  8. A [30-35] Roots'll Do 'Er
  9. A [30-35] Wings Over Highbank
  10. A [30-35] Any Portal in a Storm
  11. A [30-35] The Way is Open

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