Salvage Operation

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AllianceSalvage Operation
Start Simon Chandler [79.3, 78.5]
End Simon Chandler [79.3, 78.5]
Level 30-35
Category Twilight Highlands
Reputation +250 Stormwind
Rewards 13g 15s 50c
Previous A [30-35] Kurdran's Waitin'


Retrieve 8 Recovered Supplies from the Waterlogged Crates in the Obsidian Breakers.


Between the Horde and the naga, our fleet has been decimated. We can't do anything to bring back the men who gave their lives to the sea, but sink me if I allow all of our supplies to be lost forever.

Swim out to the Obsidian Breakers southwest of Highbank and retrieve the supplies from the wrecks and the ocean floor.


You will receive: 13g 15s 50c (at max level)


How much were you able to recover?


Look at all of this! You were able to recover more than I thought. We can outfit a whole squad of marines with this stuff.

We have the gear. If only we had some way to bolster our numbers here in the Highlands...


Pick up A [30-35] Naga Reinforcements before heading out. Then head southwest, jump in and go killing and collecting. Don't forget to come up for air!

While out at the breakers, players may run across Ephram Hardstone, a beached ship still mostly above water. He offers [Siren's Song]. Do it, as it's a one-off reference to the Odyssey, then head back to Highbank.


  1. A [30-35] Welcome to Highbank!
  2. A [30-35] Burnin' at Both Ends
  3. A [30-35] Aiming High
  4. A [30-35] Kurdran's Waitin'
  5. A [30-35] Our Boys on the Shore
  6. A [30-35] Landgrab & A [30-35] Scouting the Shore
  7. A [30-35] Bird Down! Bird Down!
  8. A [30-35] Roots'll Do 'Er
  9. A [30-35] Wings Over Highbank
  10. A [30-35] Any Portal in a Storm
  11. A [30-35] The Way is Open

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