Roots'll Do 'Er

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AllianceRoots'll Do 'Er
Start Thordun Hammerblow [67.7, 66.0]
End Thordun Hammerblow [67.7, 66.0]
Level 30-35
Category Twilight Highlands
Reputation +250 Wildhammer Clan
Rewards 13g 15s 50c
Previous A [30-35] Bird Down! Bird Down!
Next A [30-35] Wings Over Highbank


Gather 8 Thorny Stankroots from the Twilight Shores.


Look here, mate. She's on her last legs! If me bird dies, I'm as good as worthless.

So make yerself useful. Here on the peninsula you can dig up thorny stankroots. Oh the smell will knock you on yer patoot but steeped in water it'll boil up into a right poweful cure-all.

Gather some while I defend me bird. An' hurry! You Alliance wanks don't have a reputation for timely intervention, right?


You will receive: 13g 15s 50c (at max level)


Didja get me roots, <class>? Well?


Oh, that's the stuff all right! Hope ya didn't eat any. Gives you the cramps something awful but it does wonders for birds.


All along the shore, including near the beach.


  1. A [30-35] Welcome to Highbank!
  2. A [30-35] Burnin' at Both Ends
  3. A [30-35] Aiming High
  4. A [30-35] Kurdran's Waitin'
  5. A [30-35] Our Boys on the Shore
  6. A [30-35] Landgrab & A [30-35] Scouting the Shore
  7. A [30-35] Bird Down! Bird Down!
  8. A [30-35] Roots'll Do 'Er
  9. A [30-35] Wings Over Highbank
  10. A [30-35] Any Portal in a Storm
  11. A [30-35] The Way is Open

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