Scout Forgefellow

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AllianceScout Forgefellow
Image of Scout Forgefellow
Gender Male
Race Dwarf (Humanoid)
Level 90
Reaction Alliance Horde
Affiliation(s) Ironforge
Occupation Scout
Location Shimmer Ridge, Dun Morogh
Status Alive

Scout Forgefellow is a dwarf located at the Shimmer Ridge in Dun Morogh during the Blood in the Snow scenario. He was captured by the Frostmane.


When saved
Scout Forgefellow says: Filthy monsters! I owe ye me life.
Scout Forgefellow says: Listen: The storm. We figured out what's makin' it. That sneaky Zandalari has these ice trolls makin' blood sacrifices ta elemental spirits.
Scout Forgefellow says: There's a cave, north o' here, across a bridge. If ye can slay the elemental within, the storm ought ta stop.


  • The southwestern camp contains two impaled dwarf bodies. When approached by a class with humanoid tracking, the name displays Scout Stonebeard and Scout Forgefellow. This is seemingly an oversight as the two scouts are saved during the scenario.

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