Sarah Sadwhistle

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AllianceSarah Sadwhistle
Image of Sarah Sadwhistle
Title <Roast Raptor Collector>
Gender Female
Race Gnome (Humanoid)
Level 58 Elite
Reaction Alliance Horde
Affiliation(s) Gnomeregan Exiles
Location Military Ward, Ironforge
Gates of Ahn'Qiraj
The subject of this article or section was part of the Gates of Ahn'Qiraj, a one-time world event that heralded the opening of Ahn'Qiraj.

Sarah Sadwhistle was a gnome quest giver located in the Military Ward in Ironforge.




Still collecting

Oh, hi, <class>. I guess the Alliance asked me to come here and keep track of all of this cooked meat that people are gathering because of the impeding[sic] doom at Ahn'Qiraj. Doesn't that sound like fun?

Anyway, I suppose you'd like to know how much we have. Last time I counted it we were at <number collected> out of a total 20000 roast raptor needed.

Gossip What is an Alliance Commendation Signet?

An Alliance Commendation Signet is awarded to a <hero/heroine> who goes above and beyond the call of duty to the Alliance. Various Commendation Officers for the factions of the Alliance are located in all of the major cities; speak with the one with whom you'd like to raise your reputation, and give them the number of signets they ask for!
By the way, during the war effort here, if you'd rather receive a material reward for your signets in lieu of reputation, seek out Field Marshal Snowfall.
Collection complete

Looks like you're too late, <class>. We have all of the roast raptor that we need; killed, cooked and salted. Anyway, it looks like some of the others around here could use some help. You should go check with them. I'm going to see if they'll let me go home now.

Alliance war effort completed before Horde

Hey there, <class>. I've talked with everyone around here, and it seems like we have all of the stuff that the Alliance wants for the war. That mean[sic] orc ambassador said that the Horde is still gathering though, which means we have some time before we need to ship all of this stuff over to Silithus.

Both war efforts completed

All of the food and war material we gathered is on its way to Silithus. It should be there in less than 5 days. Someone told me that once it's all assembled over near Cenarion Hold, someone's going to have to go ring the gong at the Scarab Dais to open the gates to Ahn'Qiraj and start the war.

Patch changes

External links