Salvaging the Situation

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AllianceSalvaging the Situation
Start Hennick Helmsley
End Hennick Helmsley
Level 10-40
Category Shadowmoon Valley
Rewards  [Bag of Salvaged Goods] (3)
1g 54s
For the Horde version of this quest, see H [10-40] Salvaging the Situation.


Use the Small Sack of Salavaged Goods near the incinerator at your Salvage Yard.


Here at the Salvage Yard we inspect any extra material your followers bring back from the field, preserving anything that may be useful. I have an extra pack of material our people brought in that I've yet to go through. Why don't you take it over to the incinerator and see if it contains anything useful?


You will receive: 11g 40s
Inv misc bag 12.png [Bag of Salvaged Goods]


Have you burned through that bag of salvage yet?


That's all? Well. don't feel too bad. Some days we find nothing and the next we hit the jackpot!

Here, I have a fresh supply of items from our latest outing. Check them out.

Good luck!

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