Return to Zuldazar (Tiragarde Sound)

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For other versions, see Return to Zuldazar.
HordeReturn to Zuldazar
Start Shadow Hunter Ty'jin
End Nathanos Blightcaller
Level 35-60
Category Horde War Campaign
Experience 1,800
Rewards  [Glowing Azerite Crystal] (250 [Azerite])
2g 34s
Previous H [35-60] Champion: Shadow Hunter Ty'jin


Return to Nathanos Blightcaller on the Banshee's Wail. Erul Dawnbrook can give you a ride.

  • Speak to Erul Dawnbrook


Look at dis place, boss-mon! We got da pirates, a location close to da Kul Tiran capital...

I tink we should be bein' pretty proud of dis one.

We should get goin' back and tell Nathanos about our success. Maybe we can even get him to crack a smile.


You will receive:


That's quite a location Ty'jin scoped out.

The pirates are another boon. If we ever need some bodies to fall on swords for us... they will do.


  1. H [35-60] Foothold: Tiragarde Sound
  2. H [35-60] Shiver Me Timbers
  3. H [35-60] Swashbuckling in Style
  4. H [35-60] Parleyin' Wit Pirates
  5. H [35-60] Spike the Punch & H [35-60] Cannonball Collection
  6. H [35-60] Thar She Blows! & H [35-60] A Change in Direction
  7. H [35-60] I'm the Captain Now
  8. H [35-60] Marking Our Territory
  9. H [35-60] Champion: Shadow Hunter Ty'jin
  10. H [35-60] Return to Zuldazar

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