Return to Delgren

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AllianceReturn to Delgren
Start Shattered Orb
End Delgren the Purifier
Level 25 (Requires 1)
Category Paladin
Class Paladin Paladin
Rewards Engrave Chest - [Divine Storm]
Previous A Paladin [25] It Must Be Destroyed
Next A Paladin [46] Some Good News


Return the Orb Shards to Delgren.


<The shattered remains of the orb lay at your feet. Delgren will want to see you have succeeded.>


Did you find a way to destroy the orb?


You will learn:


This is a relief, <name>. But whatever was watching Azeroth through that orb... I have a feeling they will not be happy it was destroyed.

Take this as my thanks for your efforts. And... be careful.


  1. A Paladin [25] A Strange Artifact
  2. A Paladin [25] Advice From Stormwind
  3. A Paladin [25] A Second Opinion
  4. A Paladin [25] Earning Your Salt
  5. A Paladin [25] It Must Be Destroyed
  6. A Paladin [25] Return to Delgren


The follow-up quest, A Paladin [46] Some Good News, requires reaching level 44 and completing A Paladin [40] Aeonas the Vindicated.

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