Earning Your Salt

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AllianceEarning Your Salt
Start Ursula Deline
End Ursula Deline
Level 25 (Requires 1)
Category Paladin
Class Paladin Paladin
Previous A Paladin [25] A Second Opinion
Next A Paladin [25] It Must Be Destroyed


Collect 14 Summoner's Salt from Blackrock Summoners in Redridge Mountains, then return to Ursula Deline in Stormwind.


I will study the orb and tell you what I learn, but you must first do something for me.

The warlocks of the Blackrock clan use specially prepared salts to enhance their summoning rituals. Collect some from the orcs in Redridge.

When you return, I will share with you the results of my studies.


<The warlock is studying the orb intently>


Ah... the salts. I had forgotten all about them.

This orb is unlike anything I have seen, <name>.


Though the quest specifies Blackrock Summoners, the salt can drop from any Blackrock orc in the zone.


  1. A Paladin [25] A Strange Artifact
  2. A Paladin [25] Advice From Stormwind
  3. A Paladin [25] A Second Opinion
  4. A Paladin [25] Earning Your Salt
  5. A Paladin [25] It Must Be Destroyed
  6. A Paladin [25] Return to Delgren

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