Return of the Crusade (Horde)

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Death Rising
The subject of this article or section was part of Death Rising, a world event that heralded the opening of the Shadowlands.
HordeReturn of the Crusade
Start Lor'themar Theron
End Commander Throgg
Level 50 (Requires 50)
Category Death Rising
Experience 820
Reputation +10 Argent Crusade
Rewards 2g 34s
Previous H [50] Cause for Distraction
Next H [50] Field Reports
For the Alliance version of this quest, see A [50] Return of the Crusade.


Speak with Commander Throgg in the Valley of Strength in Orgrimmar.


I have witnessed the relentless advance of the Scourge firsthand. It is only a matter of time before they swarm our gates.

The fate that befell Silvermoon must never be repeated.

Death knights from the Ebon Blade have stepped forward to combat the threat, but even they will need reinforcements.

The Argent Crusade has answered the call once more. I ask that you aid them in keeping our people safe, <name>.

Their commander awaits your arrival.


You will receive:


<Commander Throgg grunts.>

You must be the one.


On accept:

Lor'themar Theron says: Though I despise her actions, I cannot deny that Sylvanas Windrunner is a master tactician. The Scourge attacks and the abductions must be parts of a larger strategy.
Valeera Sanguinar says: The Alliance is every bit as wounded as the Horde, King Wrynn and Lady Proudmoore were taken. They also came for Tyrande Whisperwind, but she neutralized her attackers.
Lor'themar Theron says: Really. I knew the Night Warrior's power had grown, but to dispatch an adversary that even Jaina Proudmoore could not...
Lor'themar Theron says: It is fortunate that we have the Knights of the Ebon Blade to aid us. General Nazgrim reports that Bolvar Fordragon is free of the Lich King's crown, and is recovering in Acherus.
Lor'themar Theron says: What's more, the Argent Crusade has rallied to answer the call. They stand ready to drive back the Scourge from our lands.
Valeera Sanguinar says: Bolvar Fordragon was one the bravest heroes Azeroth has ever known. If anyone can advise us how to defeat this menace and recover our friends, it is the Highlord.
Calia Menethil says: The legacy of the Lich King is forever entwined with that of family. Regent Lord, though I only serve as an advisor to the Forsaken, I ask to stand with you as you face this threat.
Lor'themar Theron says: Your voice has offered wisdom to both the Forsaken and the Horde council, Lady Menethil. Whatever comes, we will face it together.


Week one:

  1. B [50] An Urgent Request
  2. B [50] Cause for Distraction
  3. B [50] Return of the Crusade
  4. B [50] Field Reports
  5. B [50] Damned Intruders
  6. B [50] Return of the Scourge
  7. B [50] A Message from Icecrown
  8. N [50] Securing the Area & N [50] A Valiant Effort
  9. N [50] Scouting from a Safe Distance
  10. N [50] Advancing the Effort (unlocks week one dailies)

Week two:
Optional breadcrumb: N [50] A Message from the Justicar

  1. N [50] A New Foothold
  2. N [50] Cult Couture & N [50] Fighting for Attention
  3. N [50] Secrets in Shadows
  4. N [50] Bursting the Bubble
  5. N [50] A Message from Above
  6. N [50] Only Shadows Remain (unlocks week two dailies)
  7. B [50] With Hope in Hand

Week one dailies:

Completing Strange Scourgestones unlocks:

Week two dailies, two of:

PTR version

Removed from game The subject of this section did not make it out of the PTR stages.


The Scourge's unbound hunger has been unleashed. It's only a matter of time before they're swarming our streets.

We need expertise in dealing with this menace. The death knights of the Ebon Blade have stepped forward to aid us, but even they can't do this alone.

The Argent Crusade has returned to answer the call. I need you to work with them to keep our people safe, <name>.

I have sent word of your arrival to their commander.

Patch changes

External links