Requisition: More Spiral Leaf

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Alliance & HordeRequisition: More Spiral Leaf
Start Alliance Isla
Horde Nevin Tideheart
End Alliance Speaker Utia
Horde Atolia Seapearl
Level 50 (Requires 50)
Category Nazjatar
Experience 17,850
Reputation +50 Waveblade Ankoan
+50 The Unshackled
Rewards 94x [Azerite]
2x [Prismatic Manapearl]
91x [Azerite]
25x [War Resources]


Collect 5 Poisonous Spiral Leaf.


We are dangerously low on our medicine stores. If you find any Spiral Leaf, please leave your stores with the quartermaster.

I should warn you, Spiral Leaf is immensely poisonous. Make sure to handle it with care. Some symptoms of spiral leaf poisoning include bouts of rage, immense bursts of strength, and murderous impulses. If you are exposed, find some naga and use your murderous energy for good.


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Thank you for your contribution.

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