Remembered Nightsaber

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Radiant Echoes
The subject of this article or section was part of Radiant Echoes, a world event that heralded the opening of The War Within.
MobRemembered Nightsaber
Image of Remembered Nightsaber
Race Nightsaber (Beast)
Level 10 - 70
Reaction Alliance Horde
Location Dustwallow Marsh
Status Killable

Remembered Nightsabers are nightsaber projections located in the Quagmire and Dragonmurk in Dustwallow Marsh during the Radiant Echoes event. When the event is inactive, they are found in Direhorn Post.


  • Ability druid tigersroar.png Pounce — Leaps towards an enemy and rends them, inflicting Physical damage every 2 sec for 4 sec.
  • Inv misc monsterclaw 03.png Pounce — Leaps towards an enemy and rends them, inflicting Physical damage every 2 sec for 4 sec.
  • Ability druid swipe.png Swipe — Inflicts Physical damage to all enemies in an 8 yard cone in front of the caster.

Patch changes

External links