Remembered Guardian

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Radiant Echoes
The subject of this article or section was part of Radiant Echoes, a world event that heralded the opening of The War Within.
MobRemembered Guardian
Image of Remembered Guardian
Race Golem (Elemental)
Level 10 - 70
Reaction Alliance Horde
Location Den of Flame, Dustwallow Marsh
Status Killable

Remembered Guardians are golem projections located in the Den of Flame in Dustwallow Marsh during the Radiant Echoes event.


  • Ability golemthunderclap.png Crush — Causes an enemy to take 50% increased Physical damage for 5 sec. Reduces the movement speed of the target by 50% for 5 sec. Inflicts Physical damage to an enemy.
  • Ability vehicle shellshieldgenerator.png Defense Matrix — Channels a barrier of protection, reducing all damage allies take by 70% while inside.
  • Spell shaman earthquake.png Golem Smash — Inflicts X Physical damage in a line in front of the caster.

Patch changes

External links