Reclaiming the Ruins

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AllianceReclaiming the Ruins
Start Priestess Kyleen Il'dinare
End Priestess Kyleen Il'dinare
Level 1-30
Category Azuremyst Isle
Experience 700 EXP (or 4s 20c at level 70)


Priestess Kyleen Il'dinare at Odesyus' Landing on Azuremyst Isle wants you to kill 5 Wrathscale Myrmidons, 5 Wrathscale Naga and 5 Wrathscale Sirens.


While some may look at our current predicament as an unfortunate turn of events, I sense that we are here for a reason. The invisible hand of fate has pushed us in this direction. The reason why will become evident in time.

To the west lies an ancient night elf city, now in ruin and overrun with naga. It would be remiss of me to sit idly by as the naga tainted my ancestral lands.

You have shown yourself a capable <class>. Honor my people and cleanse the ruins of their unwelcome inhabitants.


You will receive:


You do a good thing for my people, <name>.


Elune be praised! The restless spirits may find tranquility after all.


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