Recalled Underking

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MobRecalled Underking
Image of Recalled Underking
Gender Male
Race Crypt lord (Undead)
Level 10 - 70 Elite
Reaction Alliance Horde
Occupation Underking
Location Dragon Wastes & New Hearthglen, Dragonblight
Status Killable
Radiant Echoes
The subject of this article or section was part of Radiant Echoes, a world event that heralded the opening of The War Within.

Recalled Underking are crypt lord projections located in the Dragon Wastes in the Dragonblight during the Radiant Echoes event. When the zone is inactive, they appear in New Hearthglen.


  • Spell nature insectswarm.png Blinding Swarm — A swarm of insects that inflicts X Nature damage to targets standing in the swarm. Chance to hit reduced by 75% while standing in the swarm.
  • Ability smash.png Mandible Crush — Crushes your target, inflicting 150% melee damage.

Patch changes

External links