Real Big Power

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AllianceReal Big Power
Start Megs
End Megs
Level 60 (Requires 60)
Category Alliance War Campaign
Experience 17,850
Rewards  [Small Azerite Shard] (115x [Azerite])
23g 40s
Previous A [60] This is Huge!
Next A [60] A Beast with Brains


Test the Embiggifier on a Kul Tiran Clucker.


We're still building a harness for the Embiggifier, but we need to test its core first. That's where the real power is!

This technology is years ahead of the Horde's, but it's so easy to use that even an orc could do it!

Just point and click!


You will receive:


I love this part! When we get to see all our hard work pay off in a big way!


I thought that might happen.

That poor clucker's mind wasn't strong enough to withstand the Embiggifier, but otherwise, it's working as intended!


Aiming the core at a nearby chicken, an electrical beam is focused on it. It grows bigger and attacks you but is easily killed.


  1. A [60] Changing Course (optional)
  2. A [60] Sensitive Intel
  3. A [60] This is Huge!
  4. A [60] Real Big Power
  5. A [60] A Beast with Brains
  6. A [60] Out of Options & A [60] Freedom for the Da'kani
  7. A [60] Bittersweet Goodbyes
  8. A [60] The Needs of the Many
  9. A [60] Bring the Base
  10. A [60] Fit for Grong & A [60] Calibrate the Core
  11. A [60] The Embiggining
  12. A [60] Total Temple Destruction
  13. A [60] A Nice Nap
  14. A [60] The Sleeper Agent

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