Ranger Shalan

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HordeRanger Shalan
Image of Ranger Shalan
Title <Stable Master>
Gender Male
Race Blood elf (Humanoid)
Level 32-35
Class Ranger
Reaction Alliance Horde
Affiliation(s) Sunreaver Onslaught
Location The Crimson Treader & Dawnseeker Promontory, Isle of Thunder
Status Alive

Ranger Shalan is a blood elf stable master found aboard the Crimson Treader and Dawnseeker Promontory on the Isle of Thunder.



We found a saddle and harness from one of the carcasses of the various beasts being shot out of the sky

A little polish and a little magic and presto... good as new!

Gossip I'd like to stable my pet here.

Gossip I'd like to heal and revive my battle pets.

Patch changes

External links