Randy Ravage

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NeutralRandy Ravage
Image of Randy Ravage
Gender Male
Race Human (Humanoid)
Level 100
Reaction Alliance Horde
Location Frostfire Ridge Warlords of Draenor

Randy Ravage was an NPC encountered during the Warlords of Draenor beta. He could at times be found north of Frostwall in Frostfire Ridge, swimming in molten lava alongside The Rulkster, with whom he was having a friendly disagreement as to who was the greater brawler.


  • I'm the Hancho Man Andy Ravage and I'm the Azeroth Brawler's Guild Champion and YOU'RE NOT!


Ravage was a reference to former WWF Champion "Macho Man" Randy Savage, which he resembled in his clothing, glasses and catchphrase "OOOOOH YEEEAH!".

Patch changes

  • Warlords of Draenor Patch 6.0.2 (2014-10-14): Added.
    Never made it out of beta.

See also

External links