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Ralathor the Rugged

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NeutralRalathor the Rugged
Image of Ralathor the Rugged
Title <Skinning Trainer>
Gender Male
Race Black drakonid (Humanoid)
Level 10-70
Reaction Alliance Horde
Affiliation(s) Black dragonflight
Location Artisan's Market, Valdrakken
Status Alive

Ralathor the Rugged is a black drakonid located at the Artisan's Market in Valdrakken.




I can instruct you in skinning and how to gather skins of higher quality. Interested?

Gossip How do I gather higher quality materials?

At first, you will only gather normal quality reagents (rank 1 icon). As you advance your skill in gathering, you will start to find higher quality (rank 2 icon), and eventually the best quality (rank 3 icon) materials.
Increase your gathering skill to find higher qulity reagents.

Trainer Train me.

Patch changes

External links