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Image of Raandyy
Gender Male
Race Gnome (Humanoid)
Level 10-30
Reaction Alliance
Location Booty Bay, Cape of Stranglethorn[41.21, 73.56]
Status Alive
The subject of this article or section is part of the Great Gnomeregan Run, a micro-world event, lasting a very short time.

Raandyy is a gnome dancing on top of some crates outside the Salty Sailor Tavern in Booty Bay during the Great Gnomeregan Run.


  • Raandyy is a tribute to a player character of the same name created by Polygon's Griffin McElroy in his webseries Peacecraft.
    • McElroy brought his character out of retirement during the Great Gnomeregan Run of 2017 to celebrate the micro-holiday and the inclusion of the Raandyy NPC.
    • There is an Alliance guild called Raandyy's Fandies that was originally created by fans to support McElroy during the creation of Peacecraft. They have taken part in multiple coordinated raids led by McElroy during Peacecraft and joined him during the Great Gnomeregan Run of 2017.

Patch changes

External links