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Frostbitten is an exploration achievement earned for killing all of the rare mobs found all over Northrend.


Location of all rare spawns of Northern Exposure achievement.
Mob Location
Aotona Sholazar Basin
Crazed Indu'le Survivor Dragonblight
Dirkee Storm Peaks
Fumblub Gearwind Borean Tundra, (in Geyser Fields)
Griegen Zul'Drak
Grocklar Grizzly Hills
High Thane Jorfus Icecrown
Hildana Deathstealer Icecrown (in Jotunheim or Ymirheim)
Icehorn Borean Tundra [84.8, 47.3]
King Krush Sholazar Basin
King Ping Howling Fjord
Loque'nahak Sholazar Basin
Old Crystalbark Borean Tundra (Coldarra)
Perobas the Bloodthirster Howling Fjord
Putridus the Ancient Icecrown
Scarlet Highlord Daion Dragonblight
Seething Hate Grizzly Hills
Syreian the Bonecarver Grizzly Hills
Terror Spinner Zul'Drak
Tukemuth Dragonblight
Vigdis the War Maiden Howling Fjord
Vyragosa Storm Peaks
Zul'Drak Sentinel Zul'Drak


It's advised to use a rare finding addon, such as NPCScan or SilverDragon, when going for the achievement to make things quite easier when flying through the zones.

See also

 Northern Exposure

Patch changes

External links
