Put on Your Best Face for Loken

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AlliancePut on Your Best Face for Loken
Start Mountaineer Kilian
End Mountaineer Kilian
Level 15-30
Category Grizzly Hills
Experience 20950 (or 12g 57s at 80)
Rewards  [Spaulders of Foresight],  [Belt of Keen Hearing],  [Shoulderpads of Imminent Disaster],  [Whispering Stompers]
5g 90s
Previous A [15-30] Cultivating an Image


Disguise yourself as an Iron Rune Overseer, intercept the message from Loken, then report to Mountaineer Kilian at Prospector's Point.


Using the images you've captured, I've created everything you need for your overseer disguise kit. You'll make a fine iron dwarf, if I do say so myself.

Take the kit with you to Dun Argol, use it to disguise yourself, then go to the easternmost building on the broad middle tier of the city.

There, you should see a pedestal where the thane and overseers receive their orders from this Loken. Activate it while disguised and learn all you can from the communication.


You will be allowed to choose one of these rewards:
Inv shoulder 79.png [Spaulders of Foresight] Inv belt 04.png [Belt of Keen Hearing]
Inv shoulder 95.png [Shoulderpads of Imminent Disaster] Inv boots plate 01.png [Whispering Stompers]

You will also receive: 5g 90s


Did the disguise work?


Could it be that Loken isn't really exaggerating? The titans' stone and iron sons fighting against each other for control of the ancient city of Ulduar. This is madness, <name> and it could destroy our only chance to learn the true history of dwarvenkind!


Image of Loken

Loken's Pedastal is at [81.5, 60.3] in the easternmost building of the middle tier. When interacting with the pedestal:

Image of Loken says: You're late, overseer.
Image of Loken says: Destiny will not wait. Your craftsmen must increase their production of the war golems before the stone giant leader and his army reach Ulduar.
Image of Loken says: Tell your rune-smiths to continue converting what stone giants you can. Those that will not submit must be destroyed.
Image of Loken says: If the stone giants interfere with our work at Ulduar, I will hold you and your thane responsible. Mortals must not be allowed to come to the aid of the giants.
Image of Loken says: Return to your duties, overseer. Be certain to impress upon your workers the urgency of their tasks.

The disguise makes you friendly with everything at Dun Argol, iron dwarves and elementals alike. This makes it an excellent time to do A [15-30] The Iron Thane and His Anvil and A [15-30] Blackout, allowing you to easily get to both targets on the bottom level. Blackout can be done while disguised. Afterwards, use the disguise to leave the building.

The quest initially referred to Loken as Kronus.


  1. A [15-30] The Captive Prospectors
  2. A [15-30] Looking the Part
  3. A [15-30] Cultivating an Image
  4. A [15-30] Put on Your Best Face for Loken

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