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Put On a Good Face

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NeutralPut On a Good Face
Start Moira Thaurissan
End Berrund the Gleaming
Level 73-75
Category The Ringing Deeps
Experience 10,850
Rewards 23g 40s
Shareable Yes
Previous N [73-75] A Hint of Fear
Next N [73-75] Epicenter
Vigorous and Gorged Lashrooms


Collect Lashroom Dust from Lashrooms in the Living Grotto.


Berrund here says that the massive beast standing over Fearbreaker is very particular about what kinds of creatures it allows near it.

If we blend in, he says, we can get close enough tae nab the hammer. But tae blend in, he says we have tae get covered by the dust an' pollen in the grotto.

Those Lashrooms look like they're a good place to start.

It all seems suspicious tae me, but fer now, we'll play along until I can recover Fearbreaker and bring it back to my father.


You will receive:

  • 23g 40s
  • 10,850 XP


Have you gathered up that dust? It's the only way you're going to get near that hammer, especially with that creature wandering around.


<Berrund the Gleaming appears not to have a speck of pollen on himself.>

You got yourself good and covered in tha lashroom dust, all right.

I'm a bit surprised you're not itching and sneezing, like your friend here.


On accept of both:

Berrund the Gleaming says: If you want to set foot near that crater without the creature attacking, you'll need the perfect mixture of components,
Moira Thaurissan says: While I'm... happy... tae help, that will take some work. This sounds dangerous, Are ye sure it's absolutely necessary?
Berrund the Gleaming says: Yes! That hammer will be the perfect weapon against the skardyn. Once I - we - have retrieved it, think of all the good we can do!
Moira runs off and Berrund walks down to water level.

Kill Vigorous Lashrooms and Gorged Lashrooms for their  [Lashroom Dust], and 4–6% progress on N [73-75B] Grotto Grievances.

On return:

Berrund the Gleaming says: Look at that big beastie... And that hammer is so close...


  1. N [73-75] A Hint of Fear
  2. N [73-75] Put On a Good Face & N [73-75] Mineral Water Woes
  3. N [73-75] Epicenter
  4. N [73-75] Boiling Mad
  5. N [73-75] Clean Up House & N [73-75] Fault Lines
  6. N [73-75] These Strong Hands
  7. N [73-75] Fearbreaker
  8. N [73-75] The Bronzebeard Legacy

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