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Clean Up House

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NeutralClean Up House
Start Moira Thaurissan
End Moira Thaurissan
Level 73-75
Category The Ringing Deeps
Experience 10,850
Rewards 23g 40s
Shareable Yes
Previous N [73-75] Boiling Mad
Next N [73-75] These Strong Hands
Agitated Borer Spawn and and Agitated Scorpid


Slay agitated creatures in the Rumbling Wastes.

  • Agitated creatures slain (10)


It looks like the destruction around the Coreway rattled loose more than just a few stones down here. It's stirred up all sorts o' dark things.

If this was a thriving mining operation, it ain't anymore.

We need to help the earthen get it under control again, and that means thinning out these beasts.


You will receive:

  • 23g 40s
  • 10,850 XP


I want to get Fearbreaker back, but we need to clear out some of these agitated beasts first.


That's a mite better. At least there won't be so many of those creatures running amok around this area.

Now we've got other problems.

We've got skardyn.


On accept of both:

Moira Thaurissan says: What's happened tae this place?
Injured Earthen says: This place was hit hard when the Coreway collapsed. Now skardyn and other horrors run amok. We weren't able to get everyone out in time.
Moira Thaurissan says: And Berrund thinks he can make things right with one magic hammer. All right. I'll do me best tae help.
Moira runs off.

Look for beasts, not skardyn, for this quest. Valid targets include Agitated Borer Spawn and Agitated Scorpids.

Moira Thaurissan, Berrund the Gleaming, Fearbreaker, a Slain Reaver, and an Expired Earthen

After killing the quota, head to the marked cave entrance to find Moira, Berrund, and some slain skardyn and earthen:

Berrund the Gleaming says: You're here! Thank goodness. The hammer just... it just.
Moira Thaurissan says: Ye bloody thief! Yer lucky we weren't far behind.

Moira has new gossip:

<Moira stands straight and tall as she can, her chin high and proud. But she still appears conflicted.>

Fearbreaker has gossip too:

<Fearbreaker sits solid and heavy on the ground.>

Gossip <Try to lift Fearbreaker.>

<Fearbreaker slips politely out of your grasp, dropping back to the ground. It is waiting for someone else.>


  1. N [73-75] A Hint of Fear
  2. N [73-75] Put On a Good Face & N [73-75] Mineral Water Woes
  3. N [73-75] Epicenter
  4. N [73-75] Boiling Mad
  5. N [73-75] Clean Up House & N [73-75] Fault Lines
  6. N [73-75] These Strong Hands
  7. N [73-75] Fearbreaker
  8. N [73-75] The Bronzebeard Legacy

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