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Mineral Water Woes

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NeutralMineral Water Woes
Start Berrund the Gleaming
End Moira Thaurissan
Level 73-75
Category The Ringing Deeps
Experience 10,850
Rewards 23g 40s
Shareable Yes
Previous N [73-75] A Hint of Fear
Next N [73-75] Epicenter
Moira Thaurissan and a Collection Bowl


Acquire the proper-temperature mineral water from the Living Grotto springs.

  • Collect water from first pool
  • Collect water from second pool
  • Collect water from third pool


When that magic hammer fell into the Deeps, I knew it could be a formidable weapon against the skardyn menace. Your friend has told me that it's 'particular' about its wielder.

Fortunately, I am a hero!

And as a hero, I know how to get close to it. We need to have a good mix of pollen and water plastered onto us. That way, the beast standing over it will think we're just like it.

That mineral water has to be the exact right temperature to mix with the lashroom dust and blend in.


You will receive:

  • 23g 40s
  • 10,850 XP


That was a right pain. But we got the water Berrund asked for.

It's time we get a move on. I don't want my father's hammer to just languish there in the mud. That doesn't sit right with me, not at all.


On accept of both:

Berrund the Gleaming says: If you want to set foot near that crater without the creature attacking, you'll need the perfect mixture of components,
Moira Thaurissan says: While I'm... happy... tae help, that will take some work. This sounds dangerous, Are ye sure it's absolutely necessary?
Berrund the Gleaming says: Yes! That hammer will be the perfect weapon against the skardyn. Once I - we - have retrieved it, think of all the good we can do!
Moira runs off and Berrund walks down to water level.

After accepting this quest, Berrund has new gossip:

Gossip Do you want Fearbreaker for yourself?

I am a hero of great renown throughout the Ringing Deeps. I have trained and honed my shape to be the best.

The skardyn menace must be quelled. I will do this, and that hammer will be an excellent weapon to wield against them.

It should be in the hands of someone who will use it for good, don't you think?

Find Moira by the first pool:

Moira Thaurissan says: Those blasted lashrooms and their accursed spores. I feel like my eyes are never going tae stop itchin'.

Interact with the Collection Bowl next to her to take the first sample, which is too cold:

Moira Thaurissan says: Hm. This water doesn't seem tae be the right temperature for ol' Berrund. We'll have to get more from deeper in.
Moira runs off.

Moira has caught up with Berrund at the second pool, which is too hot:

Moira Thaurissan says: Ye think that Fearbreaker would make a good weapon against the skardyn. Ye know there's only certain people it likes, aye?

Collect the second sample:

Berrund the Gleaming says: No, no no, this water is too warm. You'll want to find water that's just right.
Moira Thaurissan says: My mother told me a story about three bears once. It didn't turn out well for the dwarf who stole from 'em.
They run off.

At the third pool, it's just Moira again:

Moira Thaurissan says: Berrund's scouting out the beast standing over Fearbreaker. Let's hope this is enough. I just want tae get that hammer back tae Magni.

Collect the water, which is just right:

Moira Thaurissan says: That'll have tae do. Let's get back down there and see what we're up against.
Moira mounts up and flies off.

On return:

Berrund the Gleaming says: Look at that big beastie... And that hammer is so close...


  1. N [73-75] A Hint of Fear
  2. N [73-75] Put On a Good Face & N [73-75] Mineral Water Woes
  3. N [73-75] Epicenter
  4. N [73-75] Boiling Mad
  5. N [73-75] Clean Up House & N [73-75] Fault Lines
  6. N [73-75] These Strong Hands
  7. N [73-75] Fearbreaker
  8. N [73-75] The Bronzebeard Legacy

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