Proudmoore's Castle

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This article is about the unique The Frozen Throne structure. For the castle in Boralus, see Proudmoore Keep.

Old Hatreds - Tidefury Cove - Castle.jpg

Admiral castle.png

Race Human
Base unit Castle
Faction Kul Tiras Navy
Hit points 8000
Food Produces 12 Food
Armor Type Fortified
Armor 8
Day Sight 90
Night Sight 60
This article contains lore taken from Warcraft III: Reign of Chaos, Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne, the manuals, and/or official bonus maps.

Proudmoore's Castle[1] is a unique, stronger Castle variant surrounded by five Castle Guard Towers. It sits behind the Kul Tiras Navy's defenses in Tidefury Cove.[2]

Modern location

This article or section includes speculation, observations or opinions possibly supported by lore or by Blizzard officials. It should not be taken as representing official lore.

In the Warcraft III mission Old Hatreds, Admiral Proudmoore's forces were said to have entrenched themselves into a foothold at Tidefury Cove, and to be preparing "for an attack on Durotar", implying that the foothold was located outside of the region.

World of Warcraft introduced Tiragarde Keep, a Kul Tiran fortress inside the borders of Durotar. The  [Admiral Proudmoore's Orders] item said that Daelin intended to lead the first landing upon the shores of Kalimdor, and then have his right hand Lieutenant Benedict re-take Tiragarde Keep in case of the Lord Admiral's failure, but without precising if Tiragarde was his main base or the place where he made his last stand. The only thing known is that Tiragarde fell when the orcs repelled the human aggression.[3]

Tidefury Cove is an actual location in Dustwallow Marsh but is little more than a collection of sandbanks south of Theramore Isle, thus making it seemingly inappropriate for a place to build a fortress at and then launch a land assault on Durotar.

World of Warcraft also introduced Northwatch Hold, a seemingly unrelated Theramore Guard-affiliated keep in the Barrens. However, the novel Cycle of Hatred later stated that Northwatch Hold was actually Admiral Proudmoore's stronghold during the conflict.[4][5]

Northwatch Hold was presumably preferred to Tiragarde for its location outside of Theramore territory and near the orcish homelands, making it the most narratively fitting location for Proudmoore's base, leaving Tiragarde Keep as simply another Kul Tiran base and Tidefury Cove's role in the invasion being retconned entirely.


  1. ^ Old Hatreds (WC3 Orc)#First Blood
  2. ^ Old Hatreds (WC3 Orc)
  3. ^ H [7] Vanquish the Betrayers
  4. ^ Cycle of Hatred, chapter 1: "We should leave Northwatch," the merchant said. "The Barrens are neutral territory, that was agreed to from the beginning." The soldier stiffened. "You're crazy if you think we're givin' that up." Margoz said, "That is where the orcs fought Admiral Proudmoore."
  5. ^ Cycle of Hatred, chapter 17