The Secret to Perfect Kimchi

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AllianceThe Secret to Perfect Kimchi
Start Alegorn
End Alegorn
Level 10-70
Type Daily
Category Cooking
Experience 1,560
Reputation +250 Darnassus
Rewards +2 Cooking skill
[Epicurean's Award]
16g 54s (at level 85)

The Secret to Perfect Kimchi is a daily cooking quest available from Alegorn on the Craftsmen's Terrace in Darnassus.


Find 8 Buried Kimchi Jars in Darnassus.


My family has been making the best kimchi in Darnassus for generations, <name>. The secret is something simple, but it makes all the difference.

We bury the jars in the ground until it's ready to serve and my latest batch has just reached that point. You can find the jars buried in earthen mounds all over the city. Would you help me gather them while the contents are just right?


You will receive:


Were you able to find the jars?


Thank you, <name>. There's no way I could've found them all in time and it would be a shame to miss out on so much good kimchi!


Patch changes

External links