Primal Bear Cub

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MobPrimal Bear Cub
Image of Primal Bear Cub
Race Bear (Beast)
Level 65-68
Reaction Alliance Horde
Location Azure Span
Status Killable

Primal Bear Cubs are bear cubs located in the Azure Span. If the Honorary Dryad title is equipped, 3  [Hornswog Hunk] and 1  [Honey Snack] can be handed to the bear, in order to obtain the  [Snowclaw Cub].

Approaching the cub will cause it to run in fear so be sure to actually equip the title while you have the buff.



<The cub is nervous, but approaches you. As you look around for their family you hear their stomach rumble--maybe it's hungry?>

Gossip <Offer the cub some hornswog meat and honey.>

Patch changes

External links