Plagued Insect

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MobPlagued Insect
Image of Plagued Insect
Race(s) Beetle, Roach, Spider (Critter)
Level 15-30
Reaction Alliance Horde
Alliance Horde
Location Stratholme; Icecrown Citadel

Plagued Insects can spawn out of the Supply Crates in Stratholme if they have no loot. Occasionally, they will glitch and spawn even if the box wasn't opened. These too can appear at one of the gates, and in Icecrown Citadel.


  • Spell nature nullifypoison.png Festering Bite — Reduces an enemy's chance to critically hit with a melee attack by 2%, and reduces its chance to critically hit with a spell attack by 2%. Lasts 15 sec.

Patch changes

External links

Stratholme Icecrown Citadel