Patch 2.4.2/API changes

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New APIs

New plural selector

|4 added to UI escape codes, to toggle singular and plural forms: I have %d |4apple:apples;.. The "|4singular:plural;" operator looks at the last seen number in the string and selects the appropriate form based on it, e.g. "I have 1 apple." / "I have 2 apples.". Most constants for plural forms (<CONSTANT_NAME>_P1) are eliminated, and singular ones updated to use new escape sequence.

Changed APIs

  • GuildRosterSetOfficerNote() - escape characters are now strictly evaluated and require escaping [2]
  • Minimap:PingLocation(x,y) is now protected while you are targeting an area of effect spell.[3]
  • CombatLogSetCurrentEntry() behavior for negative and zero ids is shifted by 1 position. Newest is at 0 (was at -1), oldest is at -CombatLogGetNumEntries() + 1 (was at -CombatLogGetNumEntries())
  • ScrollingMessageFrame:AddMessage() has an additional argument, addToStart, that appends messages to the opposite end of the message frame.

Name resolution queue

Internally, the WoW client is usually fed a bunch of player GUIDs rather than names, which it then has to resolve and keep a cache of. The rate at which these queries are sent out is now artificially throttled to 128 queries every 30 seconds (queued).

This affects for instance AH "getall" scans (see API QueryAuctionItems and API GetAuctionItemInfo). Such a query followed by looping all records in the AH (15000+ for a medium pop server) results in the name resolver queue being tied up for 5-10 minutes. I.e. if you hearth to Shattrath immediately after doing such a scan, everyone you see (that you have not previously seen that session), will be named "Unknown" for the next 5-10 minutes.
