Pang Thunderfoot

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NeutralPang Thunderfoot
Image of Pang Thunderfoot
Gender Male
Race Pandaren (Humanoid)
Level 15-35
Resource Mana
Reaction Alliance Horde
Location Pang's Stead, Valley of the Four Winds
Status Alive
Relative(s) Ang (son), Ana (granddaughter), Shang (brother), Liang (nephew), Nan

Pang Thunderfoot is a pandaren at Pang's Stead in the Valley of the Four Winds.

He came with Miss Fanny to aid Stoneplow against the Ik'thik mantid. He brought with him the following supplies:



  • You and all your friends are welcome to stay here for as long as you like.
  • Hello, friend. Care to purchase anything while you're here?
Gossip Does all of this farmland belong to you?
I've put my son, Ang, in charge of my vegetable farm, just down the hill. My nephew Liang runs the pig farm down to the west, and his father - my brother - maintains a small sheep ranch to the south of that.
My farming days are over. These days, I just gather the harvested crops and sell them to folks headed down this road. Less time on my feet, more money in my pocket.

Patch changes

External links