A Seemingly Endless Nuisance

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NeutralA Seemingly Endless Nuisance
Start Pang Thunderfoot [83.7, 21.0]
End Pang Thunderfoot [83.7, 21.0]
Level 15-35
Category Valley of the Four Winds
Experience 129000
Rewards Item level 399 legs
10g 20s
Previous N [15-35] Chen and Li Li
Next N [15-35] Low Turnip Turnout, N [15-35] The Search for the Hidden Master


Slay 8 Snagtooth Spotters, Tool-Grabbers, or Troublemakers. Then slay 18 Snagtooth Pesterlings.


I apologize for the state of things around here. The virmen - those rabbity creatures, down the hill - have been pushing further and further into my family's farm, and our crops - which are normally bigger, and more delicious, by the way - have been suffering because of it.

I'm no soldier... but you might be! Would you mind pushing some of these virmen off of our land?


You will receive:

Item level 399 legs
Inv pants cloth panda b 02 blue.png [Silkmasters' Satin Leggings] Inv pants leather panda b 02 crimson.png [Sunsoaked Legguards]
Inv pants mail panda b 02red.png [Huangtze Scale Leggings] Inv pant plate panda b 01blue.png [Paoquan Burnished Legplates]
Inv pants cloth panda b 02 blue.png [Gilded Fan Silk Trousers] Inv pants leather panda b 02 crimson.png [Plainshawk Legguards]
Inv pants mail panda b 02red.png [Wild Plains Legguards] Inv pant plate panda b 01blue.png [Thunderfoot Heavy Legguards]
Inv pant plate panda b 01blue.png [Sunsong Armored Legguards]

You will also receive:

  • 10g 20s
  • 129000 XP


Have you pushed the virmen out yet, <class>? We need to bring in our crops soon, or they'll be lost for sure.


<Pang surveys the area around his farm.>

Well, they're not ALL gone yet, but there's less of them. And they aren't holding their ears quite as high anymore.

I'd guess they're scared of you, <name>.


Pick up N [15-35] A Poor Grasp of the Basics before heading out.

Plenty of killing and gathering just away from the quest givers. Look around for Chattering Dirt Piles and interact with them. Five Virmen Pesterers will pop out, weak level 86 virmen with 36,870 health.


Optional breadcrumbs: N [15-35] They Call Him... Stormstout, N [15-35] His Name Was... Stormstout. A [15-35] Hero's Call: Valley of the Four Winds!, H [15-35] Warchief's Command: Valley of the Four Winds!

  1. N [15-35] Chen and Li Li
  2. N [15-35] A Seemingly Endless Nuisance & N [15-35] A Poor Grasp of the Basics
  3. N [15-35] Low Turnip Turnout
  4. N [15-35] Taking a Crop
  5. N [15-35] Practically Perfect Produce
  6. N [15-35] The Fabulous Miss Fanny
  7. N [15-35] The Meat They'll Eat & N [15-35] Back to the Sty
  8. N [15-35] A Neighbor's Duty
  9. N [15-35] Piercing Talons and Slavering Jaws & N [15-35] Lupello
  10. N [15-35] A Lesson in Bravery

Patch changes

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