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Overgrown Ancient

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BossOvergrown Ancient
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Gender Male
Race Ancient protector (Elemental)
Level 72 Boss
Reaction Alliance Horde
Location Algeth'ar Academy
Status Killable

Overgrown Ancient is a boss in Algeth'ar Academy.

Adventure Guide

Professors Mystakria and Ichistrasz have used just a touch too much magic in an effort to clear the botany labs. Now they have a big, leafy problem on their hands in the form of an Overgrown Ancient that threatens to undo all their hard work.


The Overgrown Ancient attempts to crush the tank with Barkbreaker and repeatedly forces waves of dormant lashers to grow with Germinate. Upon reaching 100 energy, the Overgrown Ancient uses Burst Forth to awaken all dormant lashers that have not yet been killed, causing them to attack players.

Damage Dealer Alert Damage Dealers

  • Hungry Lashers can be damaged and killed even before the Ancient awakens them with Burst Forth.
  • Ancient Branches cast Healing Touch, which can be interrupted.

Healer Alert Healers

  • The target of Barkbreaker takes greatly increased Physical damage for a short time after being hit.
  • Burst Forth inflicts significant damage to all party members.

Tank Alert Tanks

  • Being hit by Barkbreaker greatly increases Physical damage taken for a short time after.
  • Once awakened by Burst Forth, Hungry Lashers can inflict significant damage if left unchecked.
  • Ancient Branches cast Healing Touch, which can be interrupted.


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Spell lifegivingseed.png Germinate — The Overgrown Ancient forces dormant lasher seeds beneath all players' feet to sprout every 1 sec for 4 Sec. Each emerging seed inflicts 0 Physical damage to players within 4 yds and knocks them back, then leaves behind a dormant Hungry Lasher.

  • Hungry Lasher
    • Ability creature poison 04.png Lasher Toxin Mythic Difficulty — The Hungry Lasher's attacks have a chance to poison the target, inflicting 1780-7352 Nature damage every 3 sec for 9 Sec. This effect stacks.

Spell nature earthquake.png Burst Forth Healer Alert Important — Upon reaching 100 energy, the Overgrown Ancient releases its abundant life magic to awaken all dormant Lashers, inflicting 35597-147049 Nature damage to all players as they burst free from the ground. Inv misc branch 01.png Branch Out — The Overgrown Ancient throws one of its own branches at a location, inflicting 0 Physical damage to players within 8 yds and knocking them back. The Ancient Branch then animates and attacks players.

  • Inv misc herb writhebark.png Splinterbark Mythic Difficulty — Splinters erupt from the Ancient as its branch is torn away, causing all players to bleed for 17798-73524 every 3 sec for 1 Min. This effect stacks.
  •  [Ancient Branch]
    • Spell nature healingtouch.png Healing Touch Interruptible — Heal an ally for 150.
    • Spell nature regeneration 02.png Abundance Mythic Difficulty — Upon death, release a spark of life energy that bursts after 3.5 Sec, healing allies and players within 8 yds for 250, and removing all applications of Splinterbark.

Ability smash.png Barkbreaker Tank Alert — The Overgrown Ancient stomps its target with crushing force, inflicting 85432-352916 Physical damage and increasing Physical damage taken by 100% for 9 Sec.

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