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Hungry Lasher

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MobHungry Lasher
Image of Hungry Lasher
Race Lasher (Elemental)
Level 50
Reaction Alliance Horde
Alliance Horde
Location Coral Grove, Nazjatar
Status Killable
The lasher at its full size.

The Hungry Lasher is a lasher summoned by planting a  [Germinating Seed] in the Fertile Soil in the Coral Grove in Nazjatar. The lasher must be fed ten Bloated Seaflies in order to grow to its maximum size.


  • Ability druid ferociousbite.png Bite — Bites the target, inflicting Physical damage.
  • Inv misc herb gromsbloodleaf.png Razor Petal — Fires a razor sharp leaf at the target, inflicting 125 Nature damage.
  • Spell nature corrosivebreath.png Toxic Spit — The caster spits toxins at the target, inflicting Nature damage.

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