Overcoming the Trial

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KyrianOvercoming the Trial
Start Artemede
End Artemede
Level 60 (Requires 60)
Category Path of Ascension
Experience 10,200
Rewards 5x [Medallion of Service]
51g 48s
Previous N [60] Sourcing Your Own Materials


Defeat Kalisthene in the Path of Ascension.


These new footpads can give Pelagos the edge he may need to defeat Kalisthene.

Return to the Path, <name>. Equip Pelagos with these footpads and overcome your opponent.

It may take a few tries, but all trials do.

Go in service, and in glory!


You will receive:


I know you all can overcome this challenge.


More trials lie ahead, <name>. Your future experience with the Path of Ascension is yours to guide!


Speaking with Artemede
Gossip We are ready to challenge the Path of Ascension.
Kalisthene defeated
Polemarch Kalisthene says: You have come far. Well fought.
Artemede says: Pelagos rises to the occasion yet again!

The chest contains  [Blueprint: Deep Echo Trident] starting N [60] Blueprint: Deep Echo Trident.

On completion
Artemede says: Your next steps are up to you and your soulbinds, <name>. There is glory to be gained, but also lessons to learn.
Artemede says: Dactylis can help you obtain new memories to train against, as well as charms and equipment which may grant your soulbinds an edge.
Apolon says: If you are ever confused or looking for guidance, I may offer general guidance. May you and your soulbinds walk the Path proudly.


  1. N [60] The Path of Ascension
  2. N [60] Humble Gatherer
  3. N [60] Your Friend, Dactylis
  4. N [60] A Suitable Opponent
  5. N [60] Into the Coliseum
  6. N [60] Herald's Footpads
  7. N [60] Sourcing Your Own Materials
  8. N [60] Overcoming the Trial

Patch changes

External links