Into the Coliseum

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KyrianInto the Coliseum
Start Artemede
End Artemede
Level 60 (Requires 60)
Category Path of Ascension
Experience 9,450
Rewards 25g 74s
Previous N [60] A Suitable Opponent
Next N [60] Herald's Footpads


Speak to Artemede to challenge the Path of Ascension.


The time of your challenge has come!

As you are not a being of Bastion, you shall act as a tactician for your soulbinds. You have developed mighty bonds between each other... let us see how they handle the coliseum.

Let me know when you are ready to begin. Show us the merit of your bonds!


You will receive:

  • 25g 74s
  • 9,450 XP


This is just the first of many challenges ahead of you, <name>. Remember to stay humble.


A lesson in humility. But not one without purpose.

This blueprint will serve you well.


Speaking with Artemede
Gossip We are ready to challenge the Path of Ascension.

The player enters the Ascension Coliseum and begins the scenario.

Path of of Ascension


Prepare for combat!
  • Choose a soulbind
  • Choose an enemy and difficulty to fight
  • Ring the Vesper of Tradition when ready
Selecting a soulbind
I have a good feeling about this time, <name>.
Gossip The Path awaits you.
Pelagos says: I have got this.
Artemede says: The mirror behind you holds all of the memories you have collected. Use it to choose your opponent.
  1. Test of Faith
  2. Aspirant's Bidnings
  3. Confront Memories
  4. Unleash
  5. Use Equipment

Click on the Soul Mirror and choose Kalisthene.

Selecting an opponent
Apolon says: The time has come for your first challenge, Pelagos. Ring the vesper when you are ready.


Face your opponent!
  • Fight your opponent
Apolon says: Kalisthene has many lessons to teach. It is up to you to learn them.
The battle
Apolon says: A trial of courage, for taking your first steps on the Path.
Polemarch Kalisthene yells: Let us see what you have learned.

Apolon says: Do not let this weigh you down.
Artemede says: Things are not looking too good for our challenger.
Pelagos is ultimately defeated.
Polemarch Kalisthene says: It seems you have more to learn.
  • Artemede says: Dust yourself off to try again.
  • Artemede says: Ah, a lesson in humility.


Every loss is still progress. Collect your reward.
  • Collect your reward
  • Speak to Adrianos

Loot Aspirant's Chest.

Adrianos says: Let me know when you are ready to return to Elysian Hold.
Speaking with Adrianos
Watch out for those spears. Three will stop you in your tracks, so any item or ability that can set you free is key!
Gossip Returnme to Elysian Hold.


  1. N [60] The Path of Ascension
  2. N [60] Humble Gatherer
  3. N [60] Your Friend, Dactylis
  4. N [60] A Suitable Opponent
  5. N [60] Into the Coliseum
  6. N [60] Herald's Footpads
  7. N [60] Sourcing Your Own Materials
  8. N [60] Overcoming the Trial

Patch changes

External links