Operation: Mechagon - The Mechoriginator

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NeutralOperation: Mechagon - The Mechoriginator
Start Prince Erazmin
End Prince Erazmin
Level 10-60
Category Mechagon Island
Experience 35,700
Reputation +500 Rustbolt Resistance
Rewards  [S.P.A.R.E. Crate],  [Humming Azerite Heart] (2,500x Azerite)
93g 60s
Previous N [10-60] Welcome to the Resistance

Operation: Mechagon - The Mechoriginator is the final quest in the Mechagon storyline. This quest is required for  [The Mechagonian Threat]; however, the objective can be marked as complete with a skip option, so you no longer need to actually run the dungeon to unlock the mechagnome allied race.


Enter Mechagon and defeat King Mechagon.


My father's madness won't be contained to this island.

King Mechagon is creating a massive device capable of reversing the Curse of Flesh across the entirety of Azeroth!

Any races forged by the Titans will return to their original state. For us gnomes, that means fully mechanical. For dwarves and troggs, stone. Vrykul, iron.

The list goes on, but most races aren't even ON the list. Anything not forged by the titans will be completely obliterated.

We must stop King Mechagon before it's too late!


You will receive:


King Mechagon's madness threatens all of us. We must stop my father!


That robot... that AI... was not my father.

My father died the day he abandoned his body and soul for full mechanization. The day he betrayed our people.

The burden of leadership has rested on my shoulders for some time... Only now, do I feel I can embrace it.

I will lead my people with wisdom, ingenuity, and humility. Thank you, <name>.

Criteria of


Speaking to Prince Erazmin

Gossip I entrust you to handle this mission <Skip the dungeon quest>.

This option marks the quest objective as complete.

Gossip Thank you, but I will see this through <Continue to the dungeon manually>.

This option simply closes the dialogue box.

Patch changes

  • Shadowlands-Icon-Inline.png Patch 9.1.5 (2021-11-02): Now has a skip option, available by speaking to Prince Erazmin again after picking up the quest.
  • Shadowlands-Icon-Inline.png Patch 9.0.1 (2020-10-13): No longer requires revered reputation to pick up this quest.
  • BattleForAzeroth-Logo-Small.png Patch 8.2.0 (2019-06-25): Added.

External links