Oozemodius (quest)

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Start Skorthuz
End Skorthuz
Level 73-75
Category The Ringing Deeps
Experience 10,850
Rewards 46g 80s
Shareable Yes
Previous N [73-75] Desparately Seeking Skorthuz


A shambling gelatinous mass with bones and bit of decomposing flesh lurching about within.

Kill 6 slimes and Oozmodius.


I tried to get Lisky back myself, but she ran to the far end of the cave. The whole thing is full of disgusting masses of worms.

As if they aren't bad enough, down the back there's a creature so vile and slimy and oozy that I ran for my life!

No, I am not proud of leaving Lisky behind. I was just about to work up the courage to get back in there when you arrived. While you're looking for Lisky, you should dispose of those gross things in there! I'm pretty sure they're multiplying!


You will receive:

  • 46g 80s
  • 10,850 XP


I am counting on you to do this dirty work. If I'm behind honest, I have an irrational fear of worms and sticky things.

I much prefer dry, solid, gritty creatures. Especially if they have nice hard scales!


You did it! It's a mystery as to how you're not completely covered in slime yourself now.


Pick up N [73-75] Lisky Business before heading in, then kill a path to the back of the cave. Oozemodius is on the upper level in the back.

On completion of both:

Skorthuz says: Come, Lisky. Let's see if Hrandaz saved us any firemead.
They wander off.


  1. N [73-75] Desparately Seeking Skorthuz
  2. N [73-75] Lisky Business & N [73-75] Oozemodius

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