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Desparately Seeking Skorthuz

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NeutralDesparately Seeking Skorthuz
Start Hrandaz
End Skorthuz
Level 73-75
Category The Ringing Deeps
Experience 2,700
Rewards 5g 85s
Shareable Yes
Next N [73-75] Lisky Business, N [73-75] Oozemodious

Desparately Seeking Skorthuz begins an optional chapter of the Ringing Deeps storyline, started at Shadowvein Point without any prerequisites.


Look for Skorthuz around the Chittering Den.


Eh? Who are you? Oh that's right, I heard that there were new folk about.

Say, are you heading north? If so, keep an eye out for my friend, Skorthuz, will you? The laggard was due back an hour ago, but is no where to be seen. I heard he was heading towards Chittering Den for some awful reason.

If you see him, tell him to hurry up and get back here or I'm drinking alone!


You will receive:

  • 5g 85s
  • 2,700 XP


Who are you? Oh, Hrandaz sent you? Is it that time already?


On accept:

Hrandaz says: Hmph. It's not like Skorthuz to be late.

Head northeast to the Chittering Den. Outside the entrance to the Fetid Grotto, Skorthuz is lamenting his lot in life:

Skorthuz says: There's no way I'm going back in there. What do I do?!


Template:Fetid Grotto

Patch changes

External links