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Image of Olya
Title <Fallingwater Security>
Gender Female
Race Black drakonid (Dragonkin)
Level 70 Elite
Reaction Alliance Horde
Affiliation(s) Valdrakken Accord, Black dragonflight
Location Fallingwater Overlook, Valdrakken
Status Alive

Olya is a black drakonid located at Fallingwater Overlook in Valdrakken.



<Though you can't see her eyes behind her glasses, you can sense Olya sizing you up.>

There's a private event in the Fallingwater Overlook right now. Only those with a ticket are allowed to enter.

Do you have a ticket?

  • Gossip Of course, I have a ticket! <Wink and pull some coins from your pocket> (pay 50g)
  • Gossip Perhaps you'd like to let me stay a little longer? <Flash more coin.> (pay 5g)

Patch changes

External links