Observing Conflict

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NeutralObserving Conflict
Start Strategist Zo'rak
End Strategist Zo'rak
Level 60 (Requires 60)
Type PvP
Category Oribos


Complete Trials of Zo'sorg in the Shadowlands.


Your kind seems to lead an inherently contentious existence, mortal. Members of my cartel have a keen interest in observing your combat prowess in action.

It is apparent that conflicts between you and your rivals can break out anywhere, even in the realms of Death. Much could be learned from observing such engagements.

Can I count on your participation?


Observation in progress.

Early beta version


The Observers have requested observation of conflict between you and others from your world.

Open combat in the planes of the Shadowlands would provide the information requested for this observation.

Will your facilitate, or deny?

Patch changes

External links