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Observational Notes: Cinderbees

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Observational Notes: Cinderbees.

Observational Notes: Cinderbees is found in Durgaz Cabin on the Isle of Dorn.


Observational Notes: Cinderbees

<The soot-stained journal has nearly calcified from the ages. Many of the ironwood pages within are unreadable and smudged from ash and dirt.

The inside cover has been recently transcribed with a message that reads:>

The following notes are an incomplete history on the region now known as the Cinderwold and their primary occupant, the cinderbees.

Most of the notes within are either stained by cindersoot or lost to the ages. Many questions yet remain.

Author's note: I have convinced Harvester Farnee to help me recreate my observational account on the cinderbees.

We are set to begin re-writing these notes once the upcoming cinderbrew season has slowed down.

- Geomender Harmot

The Origin of the Cinderbees

Originally discovered in subterranean magma channels beneath the quadrant east of Site O, these fiery entities are among the most temperamental elementals in the surrounding region.

During our early survey operations in the eastern quadrant, our excavators accidentally discovered a connecting passage between an underground magma lake and their tunnel system. The fiery creatures were, as expected, violent and territorial, resulting in our immediate departure of the region.

It was decided that until the magma chambers in that sector were required for future projects, the eastern quadrant would be off limits to further construction.

The Cindercreg

Due to their enclosed habitat and the proximity we've put between our work sites and their territory, cinderbees have remained largely unstudied.

Although they are rarely seen on the surface, tremorstone surveys indicate that the tunnel systems they inhabit span for miles under the surface. We have alerted the workers excavating belowground to approach magma lakes with extreme caution.

It is worth noting that over the last few project cycles, as new flora continues to bloom across the region, the cinderbees quadrant (now being referred to as the Cindercreg) remains far too inhospitable for plant life.

Perhaps this region will truly only be inhabited by the elementals who first claimed it.

Cindercreg Expansion

A new project is underway to try and make use of the Cindercreg's magma vents.

Thermalseer Wenbrandt and Overseer Kriegval have shared their plans for a new thermal-powered refinery terminal, complete with an built-in transit system to deliver materials from dig sites outside Sector AR-938 into the city.

Their plan is to build overtop the Cindercreg and tap into the magma vents through imbedded thermal towers but the region must be cooled in order to begin initial operations.

I have raised concerns about the suggestions to flood and destroy the cinderbees subterranean hives. We have found ways to live with the rooks and ramoliths, so why not these creatures?

Some of the thermalmancers have expressed an interest in finding ways to utilize the cinderbees for energy rather than destroy them.

I remain hopeful that we find alternative solutions instead of aggravating these creatures further.

The Cindercreg Blooms

As my last few notes on the thermal conduction properties of ironwood trees would indicate, I am pleased to report that the ironwood experiment have proven successful!

After much deliberation, the Stonebound volunteers and the thermalmancers assigned to the Cindercreg have managed to successfully transplant several ironwood trees into the region. Their heat conductive nature and the restructuring of the nearby streams have led to a rapid drop in temperature for the surface substrate.

Wenbrandt has ordered a full project halt on the thermal tower until we can further observe the effects these trees have on the Cindergreg.

Perhaps in the time, the cooled surface will also encourage the cinderbees' fiery nature to calm so that we can learn more about these elusive creatures.

<The rest of the notes are singed and unreadable.>

The Cinderwold

The Cindercreg is no more. In its place stands a mighty forest, now referred to as the Cinderwold.

Although the Stonebound have yet to begin any work on the Thermalseer's refinery system, Kriegval and his workers have started construction on the transport depot east of Dornogal.

Built atop a vast waterway overlooking the Cinderwold, this structure will serve as the connective distribution channel to Wenbrandt's refinery terminal, which is set to built further east far beyond the Cinderwold.

What this means for the newly bloomed forest and the cinderbees below remains to be seen but Wenbrandt seems keen to not disturb the occupants.

<This writing on this page appears fairly recent.>

It would seem that much of my recorded notes on the history of the cinderbees and their wolds has not survived the ages.

The former thermalmancer known as Farnee discovered my lost notes upon abandoning the forgegrounds in Dornogal. According to her, most of them were singed beyond eligibility though perhaps that is for the better.

Whatever history happened in these wolds seemed to have allowed the cinderbees their opportunity to thrive and rise to the surface. It is remarkable that the ironwood trees have adapted so well to their presence.

The mystery of the cinderbees prosperity is something I hope to rediscover though perhaps at a distance. They still appear to be quite volatile even towards the harvesters.

I am ever so curious how they harvest the fire honey without provocation.

<The next several hundred pages has been stained by soot and char marks.>

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